Expo router nested navigation

Expo router nested navigation. Nov 30, 2023 · Basically id like to make nested stacks that use dynamic routes inside of my bottom tabs. tsx in root of your app folder with. I've recently migrated to expo router from react navigation and I'm having some trouble with the implementation. Show 1 more comment. This is my setup. The package. }} As we mentioned earlier, you can only modify navigation options for a navigator from one of its screen components. At this point, I need to close Page2 pass that object back to Page1, but I'm not sure how to do this with Expo Router. flowchart LR. However, if you're implementing a router universally, then it makes sense to handle missing routes. const routes = useNavigationState(state => state. Anytime a new dependency is added to your project, it will be added to this file. Create a layout route. Pages are defined by exporting a React component as the default value from a file in the app directory. The submit function on Page2: Nov 14, 2023 · I am using expo router. app/sign-in. js. js │ └── _bar. tsx ├── index. Tab 1), then click back to the Stack Navigator, expo router is maintaining the position of that stack. We recommend you use React Navigation in your projects. Along with all the benefits of React Navigation, Expo Router enables automatic deep linking, type safety, deferred bundling, static rendering on web, and more. react navigation 5 hide bottom tab nav in nested Jan 25, 2024 · I am currently facing an issue with navigating between nested stacks inside a tab navigator in my Expo project. Reload to refresh your session. The file they are exported from must use one of the . Pretty quick example would be: function Home() {. js, I have successfully added the "Home" menu from (tabs) to the Drawer menu using Expo Router, like this: import { Drawer } from "expo-router/drawer"; export default function DrawerLayout() {. Profile: { userId: string }; Dec 10, 2023 · I'm trying expo with expo-router for a project. OBS: All my routes folders have: index. And Im assuming index file will be rendered first within that group. I'd like to have a Stack Route inside my Home screen, which is a Tab Screen. For other actions such as GO_BACK, use the useRouter hook. For example, you can have both app/ (routes) and src/ (the rest of your app's APIs, components, etc. redirect ('/');. js file to look like this, then there will only be one stack and you should have normal navigation. js │ └── _foo. js import { Tabs } from "expo-router"; Aug 2, 2023 · In my specific scenario, I needed to choose specific values from a separate view, presented as a modal, while utilizing Expo Router and React Hook Form. ts file using router. I have the following file structure: Jul 30, 2020 · I can create the menu as below but I have to find a way to group items and put them into accordion. tsx and a components folder Aug 30, 2023 · But both (initial) and (main) router groups - folders have file named "index". Create a root _layout. The most important goal is to make it fast and easy to create, maintain, and scale apps with nested native navigation. app/. import { Stack } from 'expo-router'; export const unstable_settings = { // Ensure any route can link back to `/` initialRouteName: 'index', }; export default function Layout() { return <Stack />; } Now deep linking directly to /other or reloading the page will continue to show the back arrow. presets: [. Four default scripts are provided to trigger the development server of your project such as expo start, expo start --android Mar 1, 2024 · Found screens with the same name nested inside one another. Jul 29, 2023 · The lib provides a button instead of a function as in react navigation. I am experimenting with Expo router - migrating from React Navigation, but with a clean setup. If the current screen is the only screen in the stack, then it will dismiss the entire stack. Hope it helps. Getting started. Both React Navigation and Expo Router are Expo frameworks for routing and navigation. You can read the params through route. It allows you to manage navigation between screens in your app, allowing users to move seamlessly between different parts of your app's UI, using the same components on multiple platforms (Android, iOS, and web). 0. If you replace the ScrollView with a View everything works fine. You still need to use and understand how work react navigation. I'm looking to have the 'watch' tab as the initial view. _layout. I omitted them because I don’t see how they might be the cause of the issue. ts extensions. js with a slot. module. tsx │ ├── This guide specifies how to handle unmatched routes and errors in your app when using Expo Router. Tab 1: Screen 1 Tab 2: Screen 2 Tab 3: Stack Navigator If I browse Jan 24, 2024 · I'm building a React Native application using Expo with Expo Router for navigation and I'm encountering an issue with setting the initial tab when the app starts. In the react navigation docs you can read more about navigating inside nested navigators here. For example, say we have a route called Profile in our root navigator which should have a param userId: type RootStackParamList = {. Drawer navigator is my root component made up of a stack navigator which has a tab navigator nested inside of it. length - 1]. So the result will be that the tabBarLabel property is not applied to Feb 26, 2020 · The tab navigator is nested inside the Stack navigator and thus, Profile is not the immediate child to Stack Navigator. Conclusion. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Jul 11, 2023 · You can do this systematically by using the navigation. Expo router is a library working on top of react Navigation. I am constantly having trouble having migrated to Expo 48 with File Based routing. It’s always one or the other that renders but never both at the same time correctly. This happened because I want my default (index) view to have a stack layout, which is nested inside the tabs layout. Nov 8, 2023 at 9:58. navigate ('name'). Navigate to the root index. There are a number of issues with the repro: Multiple groups with the same name: (tabs), (tabs,drawer) -> [ (tabs), (drawer)] Using SafeAreaProvider -- not needed. js with Slot at the root and then 2 child routes, each also has a _layout. This app with double header was installed with npx create-expo-app@latest -e with-router. Expo Router supports a subset of the action property, with the replace property. <Tab. onUnhandledAction Actions are always handled in Expo Sep 4, 2023 · I am using the tabs layout of Expo Router , and inside one tab, I have a nested stack layout. Creating contacts using Amplify Studio. Namely, you need to be comfortable with two of React Router's most foundational components – Route edited. I'm working on an Expo project where I have a file structure like this: File Structure Image. For example, if we add one inside the User component's template: . navigate ('RouteName', { paramName: 'value' }). 0:00 / 21:42. Then, add the following snippet: Sep 10, 2021 · React Router v5. Apps accumulate dozens and then hundreds of routes over time. navigation will happen in the nested navigator and if the nested navigator couldn't handle it, then the parent navigator For more information on available options, see @react-navigation/stack documentation. Main Stack. In the above provided repo with the following routing structure. Related. The component gets rendered but you can't see the UI elements. Interactive example. If I browse deep into the Stack Navigator on Tab 3, then click on one of the other tabs (e. See the Splash Screen feature for info on handling the splash screen. popToTop action. The format for the normalized path is /folder/file where the string always starts with a / and there is no file extension or trailing slash. This only happens in a nested navigation. RootStackLayout --> SettingsPage. tabs/. setParams. app/home/_layout. tsx └── +not-found. TabLayout --> TabB. You can do this by checking if segment [3] is equal to the route you want to hide, and then setting the tabBarStyle accordingly. I have my nested stack navigation set up like this. Jun 9, 2023 · Expo Router, Navigator at "XYZ" has no children. Attempt to navigate back to the index. log('currentRoute: ', currentRoute) Share. If it will be shown as a tab inside the TabLayout (I am not sure if it will), you can hide it as described here: 👍. Aug 24, 2023 · Hello, when I add a ScrollView in a nested Stack navigation it renders correctly in iOS and Android, but not in web. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create drawer navigation in expo router and how to create custom drawer navigator items. tsx Sep 27, 2022 · There are many applications for the new routing system. The Expo Router Link component is a wrapper around the React Navigation Link component. Whenever I try to navigate to a page (using the Link-component from Expo Router) I get the following error: Jul 24, 2023 · The Steps. However, the tab navigation should be retained. usePathname () with deep nested routes. Discoverable and scalable. babel. Bottom tab navigatior with drawer navigation expo 4. Expo Router v3 offers a new experimental system for building server endpoints: API Routes, reduced bundle size, and more powerful web support––we’re still on track to deliver full web React Navigation is extensible at every layer— you can write your own navigators or even replace the user-facing API. Access the underlying React Navigation navigation prop to imperatively When using nested Jul 11, 2023 · I'm not getting navigation to work whenever there's a nested navigator in my segment-group. Here's an example of using it to hide the bottom bar anytime the active screen has nested navigation. npx create-expo-app@latest --template blank@sdk-49 my-app-tabs-expo-router. g. Just import the components you want in your screen from where ever they already are. Jul 31, 2023 · I solved it by using useNavigation from expo-router, and following the documentation from React Navigation on navigating to a screen in a nested navigator. exports = {. config. For example, if you're calling navigation. Then, add the following snippet: Universal. You can also modify the scripts to add or remove them. js' and another Tab for a folder named 'explore' inside that folder I implemented Stack Navigation with an Additional screen (file called results. Mar 15, 2023 · mauricedoepkeon Mar 13, 2023. js file: import { Stack } from 'expo-router'; export default function Router() { return ( ); } Setting up initial routes with nested tabs in Expo Router for a React Native app can be challenging, but with the proper configuration, you can create a seamless navigation experience for your users. Expo Router provides a tabs layout to help you create a tab bar at the bottom of your app. Closed. It’s a file system navigation library (same as nextjs), following this pattern unlocks you features for “free” like deep linking. For example, “/”, “profile”, “contact”, “social_feed” are all possible top-level routes within your Mar 24, 2023 · I am using expo-router in my React Native expo app, and my files are ├── app │ ├── (main) │ └── _layout. Some of your routes make sense as top-level (global) routes. I am struggling with Nested Stacks within Tabs . const AppStack = () => {. getState(); Expo Router is a file-based router for React Native and web applications. Ill try this - I don’t know if this goes in a different issue but likewise when I have this stack navigators in the stack and push it duplicates the header and the back button isn’t propagated up to the top Nav bar, but this works out of the box in react navigation. if you CTRL + Space inside the component you will be able to see the props it takes. Navigator at "/ (auth)/profile" has no children. It is used to navigate to a route using a declarative API. You can update the screen's params with navigation. tsx // <= important! │ ├── Login. Prepare for navigation. Next you'll need to update your babel. Docs. That solved my issue, because by default there was no header in new app. Early 2017 update: Check out React Navigation, the routing and navigation library developed in collaboration between Exponent, Facebook, and other members of the React Native community. 73. ts screen. push ('/'); or router. I want the root page of the <Stack> to include the "open drawer" button in the header, but for any sub-pages of the Stack to just have a back button. More features can be layered on top in later versions. Similarly, a rendered component can also contain its own, nested <router-view>. Configuring the app with DataStore. This Jul 11, 2023 · Avoid multiple calls of useEffect in nested navigation using expo router. tsx view was just a file instead of a index/ folder as it is now, things were working swimmingly. import { DrawerToggleButton } from "@react-navigation/drawer"; <DrawerToggleButton tintColor="white" />. tabNavigator; tab 1 = stack Sep 2, 2023 · marklawlor changed the title expo router: Infinite loop when wrapping root navigator with AuthProvider and updating the state withinAuthProvider expo router: Nested ErrorBoundary causing infinite loop Sep 7, 2023 Oct 29, 2018 · In React Navigation v5, I was able to pull the current route name with the below approach: import { useNavigationState } from '@react-navigation/native'. json file contains the project's dependencies, scripts and metadata. TabLayout --> TabA. In some ways it is the spiritual grandchild of ExNavigator. js layout. x + Expo 48, but did break after upgrading to Router 2 + Expo 49. console. js to include the reanimated plugin. Uses shared routes, and implements universal links. Fall 2016 update: Check out the new Jan 9, 2024 · to diagnose your issue, please try creating simple index. Create the /sign-in screen. To use drawer navigator you'll need to install some extra dependencies. Mar 2, 2022 · 1. Mar 4, 2024 · 🔀 Understand nested navigation and the file-based view hierachy; 🔐 Secure pages and routes of your app; Define API routes in your project; 🚀 Work with secret keys and deploy your API; Prepare yourself for an adventure into the world of fullstack apps with Expo Router v3 and be ready to expand your mind to see what’s possible. Load 4 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to Mar 12, 2023 · Expo Router nesting Stacks in Tabs. getState () method. By default, the screens in a Stack are pushed or popped to the next or the previous screen. A stack navigation should appear on one of the screens linked there (settings page). Navigator inside a stack navigator by using the component prop of a Stack. When the user taps the Submit button, it sends the data to my backend and backend returns an object. which you can import into app ). └── app/ ├── (root)/ │ ├── index. that tab is called Chats. When I was using react navigation, I had for each tab a nested stack navigator. Apr 21, 2023 · Hello I am using React Native with expo router, I implemented Bottom Tab navigation, I have a Tab for a file named 'settings. Nested dynamic routes #15. js inside it. js, . I don't want to show tab header in stack screen. I just added profile page which is from the main header. npx expo install @react-navigation/drawer react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated. An issue about nested navigator in Expo Router. What I did was install new app with npx create-expo-app. state. Here's an example: import { useSegments } from 'react-native-screens'; const segment Apr 27, 2023 · Expo Router uses the React Navigation Tabs navigator, which as people have noted only allows tabs with unique names. This worked with Router 1. const state = navigation. It can toggle the authentication using signIn (). ts file with the following code: Create an index. This is how I currently create the menu: import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { SafeAreaView, ScrollView, StyleSheet,View } from 'react-native'; import { DrawerItems,createDrawerNavigator } from 'react-navigation'; Drawer. navigate and push accept an optional second argument to let you pass parameters to the route you are navigating to. navigation Oct 31, 2023 · inside a src directory in a project using expo router v2. For example: navigation. The main issue I'm encountering is a sort of "conflict" with the headers. Display an app bar for the setup flow. jsx, . So you can use expo-router stack and update your About component like this : import { useNavigation } from 'expo-router'; import { useEffect } from 'react'; export default function About() {. Screen. Check: (tabs) > index, (tabs) > index > index. Rendering contacts with a static route. In React Native, React Navigation has become the go-to solution for navigation. My test app has a _layout. You can have a stack inside of a stack and then navigate to each individually with navigation. Navigate to the dashboard screen. brunocrosier opened this issue on Feb 12, 2023 · 6 comments · Fixed by #287. If you update the app/_layout. goBack() in a nested screen, it'll only go back in the parent navigator if you're already on the first screen of the navigator. ts file in the root/app folder, and a dashboard folder with an index. React Navigation is built by Expo, Software Mansion, and Callstack, with contributions from the community and sponsors: If React Navigation is helpful to you, consider supporting the project by sponsoring it 💜. js:154 [Layout children]: No route named "search" exists in nested warning when using a nested layout folder structure as shown below. Apr 30, 2023 · Learn to use the new Expo File-based routing to create a tab bar with nested stack layouts!🔥 Learn React Native FAST: https://galaxies. Learn how to use modals in Expo Router. You signed out in another tab or window. import { ThemeProvider, DarkTheme, DefaultTheme, } from "@react-navigation/native"; import { Slot } from 'expo-router' export const Layout = () => { return ( <ThemeProvider Jul 9, 2023 · You signed in with another tab or window. Then I have a second Stack. Tab 1: Screen 1 Tab 2: Screen 2 Tab 3: Stack Navigator. At first, the structure Apr 12, 2020 · Expo-Router Bottom tabs with nested Stack Screen. Other actions such as navigate work similarly, i. In (drawer)/_layout. import { Slot } from 'expo-router'; export default function HomeLayout() { return <Slot />; } janusqa changed the title [expo-router] Navigation to adjacent stacks nested in bottom tabs not behaving as expected [expo-router] Navigation to adjacent stacks nested in bottom tabs not behaving as expected (back button) Sep 30, 2023 Nov 7, 2023 · Actually it didn't solved my issue. Native apps don't have a server so there are technically no 404s. Jul 22, 2021 · It provides direction and affects the overall flow of the app, impacting user experience. To type check our route name and params, the first thing we need to do is to create an object type with mappings for route name to the params of the route. Expo Router is a wrapper around React Navigation and many of the concepts are the same. Generate nested routes. Feb 23, 2023 · To achieve this, you can use the useSegments () hook and conditionally hide the tabbar by setting its display property to none. Contributor. Mar 23, 2023 · The solution is way simpler because you only need to useNavigation from expo and not the react-native one like you did. Test app - Test app, in this repository. #277. an example: lets say we have a tab that is like a text messaging app. Jul 17, 2023 · #24457) # Why Fix ENG-10061 Fix expo/router#793 Fix expo/router#858 Fix expo/router#832 The `linkTo` function has two issues. This is done automatically for each app, but you can also Mar 17, 2023 · In React Navigation, I'm able to get a Tab. TabLayout --> TabC. We are aware of this restriction but it is not high on the roadmap (there are bigger bugs/features). Modals are a common pattern in mobile apps. Despite configuring the initial route name in my tabs configuration, the app defaults to loading the index. I have a stack navigator nested inside a tab navigator. Navigating between tabs. What I want to achieve is that when I press a button from the index page of the nested route to redirect to a new route, it should take up the entire screen, overlaying the tab icons at the bottom. Expo Router has special handling for both these use cases. I'm a newbie in react native. tsx, _layout. Dismissed the last screen in the closest stack. When I add a simple route, it usually is not picked up. Navigator: <Stack. [RFC] File system-based routing. I have already looked at the documentation and further Oct 22, 2023 · I am using expo router. tsx in your (auth) directory. tsx, . They are a way to present a new screen on top of the current screen. Anti Learn how to interact with the in-app URL in Expo Router. Run this command to build the app project. The other screen in the same Stack, results, works fine. routes) const currentRoute = routes[routes. – Rokas. Routing and Jan 24, 2024 · To set the initial route, update the router. Expo Navigation. Copy. Since this screen is outside the (app) group, the group's layout and authentication check do not run when rendering this screen. Consider the following structure: File System. But for some reason only the new Stack Screen is being rendered once I navigate to Home. component={B} options={{ tabBarLabel: 'Settings!'. See the quick start installation to get started. Change into the project directory and install the additional dependencies. 15. They are often used for things like creating a new account, or for a user to select an option from a list. The goal is to either render (initial) when the app loads or (main) group. Pitch. So app directory should be look like this :. dev/reactnative##### Feb 6, 2023 · Could please elaborate on what you're trying to build and perhaps include some info on how you'd obtain this same behavior with React Navigation. Rendering single contacts with a dynamic route. Problem. Screens point to nonexistent routes. Example. name. This lets logged-out users see this screen. Expo Router Guest List App - Simple guest list app with fetching from external API Mar 2, 2024 · I built my project with React-Native with Expo SDK 49 while using Expo-Router V2 for my routes. A solid understanding of how, when, and why to create nested routes is foundational to any developer using React Router. Assume the navigation is always ready in for navigation events in Expo Router. I am using the Link component to navigate to the "account" tab on the first press, which works correctly. If you've come across a more efficient solution, I'd greatly appreciate your insights. Aug 2, 2023 · On Page2, I have a form with two fields and a Submit button. RootStackLayout --> TabLayout. Unfortunately right now if I want to Sep 25, 2023 · 1. Jan 25, 2023 · Getting a LogBox. ts file inside it. Unmatched routes. For example, create the app directory in your project and then create a file index. Expo Router is a nested system that generates links for each leaf route in the app. A and B above are screen components in HomeStack and SettingsStack respectively, not in the tab navigator. Removing stack screens dismiss action. It renders the component matched by a top level route. Dec 4, 2022 · I don't quite understand your issue now. To create a layout route for a directory, create a file named _layout. 1. tsx │ └── Register. inside the Chats tab you can see all your chats and should be at /chats, and by clicking on a chat it should bring you to that screen with the message history Tabs are a common way to navigate between different sections of an app. * It has trouble navigating to screens in different navigators with identical names * it cannot perform a replace navigation while in a nested navigator (it can only replace at the currently level). // Navigation. all nested params to each screen expo/router 2 Feb 12, 2023 · usePathname () with deep nested routes #277. js in the directory, and export a React component as default. When using array syntax (foo,bar) you can Nested Navigation help I’m currently having trouble, I’m trying to do bottom tabs and drawer navigation and have it present throughout my entire app. npx expo install expo-router@latest react-native-safe-area-context react-native-screens expo-linking expo-constants expo-status-bar react Oct 19, 2015 · 9. . However, on subsequent presses, the navigation remains on the "search" tab instead of navigating back to the "account" tab. Jul 19, 2023 · The navigation seems to work the very first time, and then after that it just seems to reload the page being navigated from. The <router-view> here is a top-level router-view. <Tabs. When i switch from tab navigation to stack navigation, It creates a double header one is the tab header & stack screen header. How can I achieve this? Here is a very simple graphic of how it should be structured. You can implement a modal by creating a root layout route that renders certain routes Apr 24, 2023 · this worked well before expo-router. enter image description here Jul 10, 2023 · The routes I provided aren’t actually complete, I’ll attach a screenshot of the directory with all the routes. import { Text } from "react-native"; export default function Page() { return <Text>Home page</Text>; } Nov 28, 2023 · when I start the app my navigation tab appears at the bottom. Mar 26, 2023 · First create file named _layout. e. return (. Simple example below in react-navigation where the TabNavigationStack component would return a Tab. 7 (to fix a navigating issue with nested slots) navigating to dynamic routes broke when using nested slots. However, in order to help us better answer those questions, there are some topics we need to cover first. 0. params inside a screen. Tho you cant resize it. 0). const navigation = useNavigation<any>() const TabStack = () => (. React Navigation V5 Hide Bottom Tabs. Expo Router v3 is part of Expo SDK 50 (React Native 0. screenOptions={({ route, navigation }) => {. Screen as a modal showing on top of the nested tab navigator. It is behaving so weirdly that I wonder if I may be misunderstanding how to move between stacks nested in a tabs. shallow merge the initialParams with the params provided in navigation). bambi@ubuntu:~/path$ tree app app ├── auth │ ├── _layout. Dec 12, 2023 · Dec 12, 2023. See the Screen Tracking guide for info on migrating analytics from React Navigation. tsx file. The work around is to create your own custom navigator or implement a <Tabs /> component using <Slot /> Sep 27, 2022 · danscan on Apr 6, 2023. js) What I am trying to achieve is for that explore tab I want to have a Jun 30, 2023 · I'm trying to make a <Drawer> layout, where one of the routes has a nested <Stack>. 2. action. When my index. In this case, I'm trying to use groups to add a stack layout to each tab to replicate that behaivour. Also, in this tutorial, I've s Jun 16, 2023 · What is Expo Router? Core features of Expo Router. The fastest way to get started is to use a template. And the fact that it works on the web shows that there’s nothing wrong with the route namings. shessafridi. Sep 22, 2023 · After updating expo-router from 2. It brings the best file-system routing concepts from the Expo Router exports a custom useNavigation hook that optionally accepts a relative route fragment to access any parent navigation prop. 5 to 2. Navigator screenOptions={screenOptions}>. tsx ├── _layout. Take the following for example; Not only does another-screen appear in the Tab Navigation (can be manually removed), but when i navigate to it, all context of the For more information on available options, see @react-navigation/stack documentation. Summary. Gaining visibility into the names and paths of the routes by logging the navigation state also helped to navigate to the correct route names. The third major release of Expo Router is now in beta for the next month. React Navigation vs. For each tab to have its own title (since the tab navigator is nested inside the stack navigator), you have to determine the title for a specific tab screen based on the navigation state from the property route. Continue reading to add tabs to an existing project or to customize your app's tabs. . Jul 7, 2022 · Sorted by: 1. Expo Router Drawer Navigation with Nested Tabs Navigation#reactnative #react #expo Showing how to create an expo react native application with a. aw xs hn ri ph nr ny qs tn uk